Sony LANc Control with SMI file export The Sony LANc control is similar to RS232, except it's inverted and has a long stop bit. A very good description of the protocol and known codes can be found at The protocol has 8 bytes. Bytes 0 & 1 are to control the camera while bytes 4-7 give the camera status. Control bytes have to be transmitted synchronously to arrive when Bytes 0+1 are expected. That's tricky from a programming point of view. Fortunately you can buy a chip that does all the RS232 to Sony LANc conversion for you. This makes the programming part real easy. The chip is the ELM 624 (ELM624DS.pdf) and can be purchased from Canada for about £12 from here
The ELM624 interface board You have two choices, build your own or buy one from Underwater Minnesota To build your own you will require the following:
The program I used Visual Basic Express to develop the program and can make it available if contacted by email. I wrote the program to interrogate the Sony HC7 camera
codes. I have since rewritten it to be used with the latest cameras
and to export SMI files which can be used to caption date and time code
in media players. The second form is the control panel. The control features it has are as follows:
The final page is to fast step through lanc codes to test and discover what is available on a particular camera.
You are more than welcome to copy of the program and use this information. Send me an email request. If you would like to give a donation I would certainly appreciate it. All monies go to keep our diving club viable and pay for this web site.